Policy Dialogue
We will work collaboratively to establish linkages and build capacity for evidence-based policy making. This will facilitate expert discussions on better legal frameworks, policy instruments and implementation to support low emission and climate resilient food systems.
New Zealand Climate Change Policy and Agriculture
In 2019 the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Act passed into law. This set the following domestic targets for reducing New Zealand’s total greenhouse gas emissions:
net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases other than biogenic methane by 2050, and
24% to 47% reduction below 2017 levels of biogenic methane emissions by 2050, including a 10% reduction by 2030.
New Zealand’s first emissions reduction plan was published in May 2022, and the second plan is underway and will be published before the end of 2024. The plan includes a set of key actions to support farmers, growers, and whenua Māori owners to lower agricultural emissions, while continuing to produce high-value, high-quality food and fibres. This will require a combination of changes to on-farm practices and land use, as well as advancements in research and technology.
For further information see here.
German Climate Change Policy and Agriculture
By 2030, Germany aims to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by at least 65 percent compared with 1990. The Climate Change Act provides for a reduction of annual emissions in agriculture to 56 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents by 2030. Binding annual interim targets have also been stipulated for this purpose. The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture has developed ten measures designed to ensure that the legal requirements for the agricultural and forestry sectors are met.
These have become part of the 2030 Climate Action Programme, which the Federal Cabinet adopted in 2019. The Immediate Climate Action Programme for 2022 provides additional support for the achievement of the targets set and for the implementation of these measures in view of the more ambitious goals adopted following the amendment to the Climate Change Act.
The focus of climate action efforts in agriculture and forestry is to reduce emissions and use resources more efficiently, thus making production more sustainable overall. It is also planned to promote carbon sequestration capacities in the agricultural and forestry sectors.
For further Information see here.